luni, 27 ianuarie 2014


I walk my path
I share it too
I seek to be in truth
To love
To live

It’s fair enough
I crossed myself
Misleading me into aisle
Of dark and small and self set traps

I loved you long ago
I could have felt it from the start
Not when I’ve met you
Nor when I talked you
Nor when we smiled
Not nor
It was the moment my true self recognized
The drive of life

Of joy, of passion and of love

luni, 13 ianuarie 2014


O, prietene, cum e albastrul tau?
albastrul tau?
cum e?

am auzit de la inceput
din prima clipa a primului big bang
prea priceput, nu,
la altceva ce-ai vrut

sa imi spui


de ras zglobiu si profunzimi color
de tandre rose si parfumul lor
patruns eram adanc
surzit abia zaream

o, tu, cap cornut,
tu n-ai crezut

si am auzit...
si am vazut...

galaxie prea maiastra
te lasi incet 
la pieptul soarelui cuprinzator
prin praf de stele
prea rar
sunt sa ma vezi

te simt cum viu soptesti